How To Use Your Magic Box To Achieve All Your Goals

Dimple Verma
5 min readOct 27, 2022


It’s that simple.

Science says our brain is divided into 3 types of minds: the Conscious mind, the Subconscious mind and the Unconscious mind.

The conscious mind is the one that makes us do all the necessary everyday life stuff.

Stuff such as waking up, brushing our teeth, cooking food, doing work at the office, etc.

It is our most active mind.

It provides us with awareness, logic and common sense.

We cannot function without it.

This is our “survival” brain.

Then comes our Subconscious mind.

This is a personal magic box that we possess.

It functions in the form of our “inner voice”, “gut feeling” or “heart”.

It is very subtle.

We are not even aware of it most of the time.

But it’s there, guiding us every single day.

Now the mistake we make in life is to not use this part of our mind to its maximum capacity.

Everyone is trying to increase their IQ.

And become more “intelligent”.

But very few people in the world are trying to work through their magic box.

And make it stronger & powerful.

Seriously though, who would want to possess a magic box of their own and not utilize it to create whatever they want in their lives?

Sign up for my Subconscious Mind Reprogramming Mini-Course for Free! — 1st Link in my bio.

It’s beyond my understanding.

But I want you to really take this seriously.

If there’s any goal, any wish, or anything that you have ever wanted to accomplish, you can do so by using your subconscious mind.

This is nothing magical or mystical.

It is all very practical.

You see, your subconscious mind doesn’t just act like an inner voice.

It is also an antenna.

An antenna for your deepest and truest desires.

Whenever you have wanted something but haven’t been able to accomplish it, it has a reason.

It’s one reason only.

Your conscious mind was convinced about the goal.

Your subconscious mind was not.


Your conscious mind and your subconscious mind couldn’t agree on that goal.

Just imagine it.

Maybe you wanted to get a good rank in an exam.

Or maybe you wanted to achieve some career goal.

Or maybe you wanted to increase your income.

All of these are “goals”.

Conscious Mind = Intellect

Subconscious Mind = Heart

Maybe your intellect was completely convinced that you wanted to achieve this goal.

You wanted to get a good rank in the exam.

Or wanted to be promoted.

Or wanted to get a bigger paycheck.

Your conscious mind was fully convinced that you wanted it.

But if you were not able to achieve it, believe me, your subconscious mind was not on the same page.

Maybe your subconscious mind felt the goal was not worthy of you.

Or maybe it felt that you are not worthy of the goal.

Or it brought back some hidden self-limiting beliefs.

Or it couldn’t picture you doing that.

Or, most simply, it wanted something else.

To achieve anything in life, anything you may want, it is necessary to get your mind and your heart on the same page.

And this is the paradigm most people are not able to crack.

As a result, they never end up getting the things they want.

Or living the life they want.

Or becoming the person they want.

You see, your conscious mind is infested with so much external stimulus that it doesn’t have much clarity about what you really exactly want.

You must have seen or experienced how in different phases you want different things.

It all depends on the kind of stimulus you are currently feeding yourself through sources such as social media, news, your environment, etc.

I know I have personally experienced this.

There was a short phase where I wanted to become a writer & have a best-selling book to my name.

Then there was a short phase where I wanted to go into the traditional business.

And then there was a phase where I wanted to completely go off the grid and live in a small town with zero technology.

These are some big ones.

But some common examples of it that are seen in everyday life are:

  • Some older cousin cracks a national level entrance exam & then 3 generations after that are rallied into preparing for the same exam & follow the path of this “successful” cousin.
  • Some family friend gets a huge package deal from an MNC and you are made to follow the same path, all in the hopes of getting the same result.
  • On the internet, you constantly see people promoting how cool it is to be an entrepreneur & “start your own business” and then it becomes a trend and you want to do the same thing.

See the point here?

The conscious mind chooses goals based on what it’s being exposed to the most right now.

Sign up for my Subconscious Mind Reprogramming Mini-Course for Free! — 1st Link in my bio.
Sign up for my Subconscious Mind Reprogramming Mini-Course for Free! — 1st Link in my bio.

What looks most appealing right now?

Constant inputs, constant information, constant feedback.

So, your conscious mind is constantly changing its targets.

Those are not your actual goals.

Those are the “would be nice to have” goals.

These were programmed into you.

Now, your subconscious mind is not as easily fooled.

Your subconscious mind really knows what it does or doesn’t want.

When you end up not getting something you think you really want, it’s because your subconscious mind wasn’t convinced.

So for every goal you have set for yourself currently, ask your subconscious mind about it.

Do the 5 or 7 Whys exercise with it.

Ask yourself why you want to achieve that goal?

And then go 5–7 levels deep until you have absolute clarity.

With this level of clarity regarding what you want, will also come the clarity about who you need to become to achieve this goal.

And then everything becomes easier.

You can start being the person who achieves this goal.

And that goal is manifested.

Do not get stuck in complexity.

Follow this simple plan & achieve your goals.


P.S. If you want to:

  • Become the highest version of yourself
  • Change your current reality
  • Manifest your 2022 goals within the next 2 months

Sign up for my FREE course — Click the 1st Link in my bio.

